Type/size: 22 residential dwellings
Location: Bushbury, Wolverhampton
Status: Completed 2013
Contract Value: TBC
Construction Type: MMC- OSM Timber panelised system (Eco 200 by Local Homes)
Client: Accord Housing Association (In-house scheme)
Scheme Overview:
This scheme involved the regeneration of a derelict piece of land to accommodate 22 terraced and semi-detached houses. The proposals consist of 19 x 2 bed 4 person and 3 x 3 bedroom 5 person houses that make full use of the available area whist maintaining the spacing and format of the existing estate layout which flanks the site on all sides.
The proposed units were constucted in Accord’s timber frame factory (Local Homes)s factory using a closed panel timber frame system which is a highly insulated product using fabric first principles.
The houses have been finished with timber cladding in different colours and render. Some of the units have juliette balconies and timber louvered canopies along with other architectural detailing.
The Bushbury scheme has been designed so that the Architecture and Landscape sit comfortably together. Block paved driveways with defined carparking spaces to the front of each dwelling help to create private space whilst seperating the garden. Paved parking and planting areas create an attractive frontage to each dwelling.