Type/size: 10 high performance carbo neutral residential dwellings
Location: North Littleton, Evesham
Status: Completed 2014
Contract Value: £1.4 million
Construction Type: MMC- OSM Timber panelised system (Eco 200 by Local Homes)
Client: Rooftop Housing Association
Scheme Overview:
This development at North Littleton, Evesham comprises of 10 new residential dwelling houses built to 'Code for Sustainable Homes' level 6 Standard.
This scheme was built using Accord’s timber frame factory (Local Homes) which produces low carbon homes designed using fabric first principles.
The scheme was developed on a greenfield site adjacent to an existing residential area to meet affordable housing need as part of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. This showcase scheme uses renewable technology and a highly insulated building fabric to provide a sustainable low impact development which enhances the ecological value of the existing area.